Entry 01
The next move is major 🧿
1. I have an EP scheduled in the next 6 mos
2. I no longer give any more fucks about “can I” or “should I” or am I “too Asian or not Asian enough for these industries”
3. Imma do it anyway🖕🏼
Pc: the talented and gorgeous @abilitytofly
A moment please, and huge shout out to her for creating this lighting set up on the fly. She said “what do you want from me?” I said, “purple and pink bisexual lighting. think like I’m a Spotify playlist cover.” She said, “Say less” and SHE MADE IT FUCKING HAPPEN, Y’ALL. The results are *chef’s kiss* I couldn’t be happier, I’m so thrilled 🥺😫
I have so much excitement, y’all Please stay tuned 🦋